Weaning / Complementary Feeding


At the age of 6 months or after, the only breastfeeding is inadequate to meets the nutritional need of baby so it is necessary to introduce more concentrated energy rich food by the age of 6 month. An infant of this age is also developmentally ready for to take foods available in home. This transition is referred to as complementary feeding or weaning.

Definition of weaning 

Weaning is the process of gradual & progressive transfer of the baby from the breastfeeding to the usual family diet.

Weaning is normally started at the age of 6 months. If weaning/Complementary foods are not introduced at age of 6 months, or if given inappropriately, the child's growth and development may affected.

According to WHO the complementary foods meets the following requirements

  1. Timely: The weaning is started timely, when the need for energy and nutrients exceeds the infant and breastfeeding only not complete it.
  2. Adequate: The weaning food provide sufficient energy, protein and micronutrients to meet a growing child's nutritional needs.
  3. Safe: The foods of baby are hygienically stored and prepared, and fed with clean hands using clean utensils, and not by bottles or teats. It decreased the risk of infection transmission to baby minimum and child enjoy the eating foods.
  4. Properly fed: It means that the weaning foods are given consistently to a child according to her appetite and satiety. The meal frequency and feeding are suitable for age.

Qualities of Weaning Food

  1. Weaning is liquid at starting then semisolid and solid foods to be introduced gradually.
  2. Food is clean, fresh & hygienic.
  3. Easy to prepare at home with the available food items at home and not very costly.
  4. Easily digestible, acceptable and palatable for infant.
  5. High in energy, low bulk viscosity & contains all nutrients.
  6. Weaning is based on cultural practices & traditional beliefs.

Principles of introduction of weaning food

  1. Wash hands properly with soap and water first before weaning food preparation and giving to child.
  2. A small amount of new foods to be given in beginning & gradually increase the amount.
  3. One food item is given at one time.
  4. New food to be placed on tongue of child to check the taste by baby.
  5. Additional food can be given in the day time. Initially it can be given once, then twice or thrice.
  6. New food is given when the baby is hungry.
  7. With weaning breast feeding is continued up to the age of 2 years or beyond.
  8. Observe  closely problems related to weaning like Indigestion, Pain in abdomen, DiarrheaFood allergy like skin rashes, Psychological upset in child. If these signs seen, mother stop to fed child and contact with doctor for experts opinion.
  9. Delayed weaning results in malnutrition & growth failure in children.

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