Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome

 What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition occur in a child due to alcohol consumption by pregnant women. Alcohol consumption by pregnant lady affects development of fetus and responsible for physical and mental retardation. The problems caused by fetal alcohol syndrome vary from child to child. Defect caused by fetal alcohol syndrome are not reversible.

Causes of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

When a pregnant women drink alcohol, and it's absorbed in blood and reaches to developing fetus by crossing the placenta. Alcohol causes higher blood alcohol concentrations in developing fetus than the mother body because a fetus metabolizes alcohol slower than an adult does. High concentration of alcohol in fetal circulation affects oxygen and nutrition supply of the growing fetus and responsible for developmental defects in growing fetus.

If pregnant women drink frequently alcohol that increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome in newborn baby.

Symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The severity and symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome in child to child varies.

  • Facial changes: Short palpebral fissure, Hypoplastic philtrum, Short up turned nose, Flat mid face, Thin upper lip (narrow vermilion border), and Low nasal bridge are present if child with fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Abnormal palmer creases.
  • Respiratory distress (Apnea, cyanosis)
  • Congenital heart disorders.
  • Irritability and hypersensitivity to stimuli.
  • Tremors, poor feeding and seizures.
  • Fetal shorter in length, lower in weight and smaller head circumference.
  • Poor social skills.
  • Learning problems.

Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome is diagnosed thorough assessment of child and discussing with mother about drinking of alcohol during pregnancy.
Watches for signs  and symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome in child.

Treatment of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

  • There is no cure or specific treatment for fetal alcohol syndrome but it is prevented by don't drink alcohol during pregnancy.
  • Therapy can help with behavior and educational problems of child.
  • Proper parents training about child care is necessary.
  • Proper management of complications and birth defects of child.

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