School Health Services in India

School Health Services in India

School health is an important branch of community health. According to modern concepts, school health service is an economical and powerful means of raising community health, and more important, in future generations.

The beginning of School Health Service in India dates to 1909, when for the first time medical examination of school children was carried out in Baroda city.

In 1960, the Government of India constituted a School Health Committee to assess the standards of health and nutrition of school children and suggest ways and means to improve them.

The committee submitted its report in 1961, which contains many useful recommendation. 

Definition of School Health Service

School health service refers to need based comprehensive service rendered to pupils, teachers, and other personnel in the school to promote, protect their health, prevent and control disease and maintain their health.

Objectives of School Health Service

  1. The promotion of positive health.
  2. The prevention of diseases.
  3. Early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up defects.
  4. Awakening health consciousness in children.
  5. The provisions of healthful environment.

Health Problems of School Children

  1. Malnutrition
  2. Infectious diseases
  3. Intestinal parasites
  4. Disease of skin, eyes, and ears.
  5. Dental caries

Aspects of School Health Services

aspects of school health services

[1] Health appraisal of school children and school personnel

  1. The health appraisal should cover not only the students but also the teachers and other school personnel.
  2. Health appraisal consists of periodic medical examinations and observation of children by the class teacher.

(a) Periodic medical examination

  1. The school health committee(1961) in India recommended medical examination of children at the time of entry and thereafter every 4 years.
  2. Periodic medical examination includes history and physical examination of the child, with tests for vision, hearing and speech. A routine examination of blood and urine should be carried out.

(b) Daily morning inspection

It is perform by school teacher daily in morning, and it helps the school teacher in suspecting children who need medical attention. During daily morning inspection a teacher inspects the following clues in children. 

[2] Remedical Measures and Follow-up

Medical examinations are not an end in themselves; they should be followed by appropriate treatment and follow-up.

[3] Prevention of Communicable Disease

Communicable disease control through immunization is the most emphasized school health service function.

[4] Healthful School Environment

  1. A healthful school environment therefore is necessary for the best emotional, social and personal health of children’s.
  2. School should normally be centrally situated with proper approach roads.
  3. School is fair distance from busy places and roads, cinema houses, factories, railway tracks and market places.
  4. Nursery and secondary schools, as far as possible, be single storied.
  5. Verandhas should be attached to classrooms.
  6. No classroom should accommodate more than 40 students.
  7. Furniture should suit the age group of student.
  8. Color of classroom should be white.
Classrooms should have sufficient natural light.
  1. Safe water supply.
  2. There should be a separate room provided for mid-day meals.
  3. There is proper lavatory facility.

[5] Nutritional Services

  1. The diet should contain all nutrients in proper proportion, adequate for the maintenance of optimum health.
  2. In India, Mid-day School Meal and Applied Nutrition Programme are govern to provide nutrition for school children.

[6] First-aid and Emergency Care

In every school a fully equipped First-Aid-Post should be provided as per regulations of St. John Ambulance Association of India. 

[7] Mental Health

  1. Juvenile delinquency, maladjustment and drug addiction are becoming problems among school children.
  2. The school is the most strategic place for shaping the child’s behaviour and promoting mental health.

[8] Dental Health

  1. Dental caries and periodontal disease are the two common dental disease in India.
  2. A school health programme should have provision for dental examination, at least once a year.

[9] Eye Health Services

  1. School should be responsible for the early detection of refractive errors, treatment of squint and amblyopia, and detection and treatment of eye infection such as trachoma.
  2. Administration of vitamin A to children helps in improve vision.

[10] Health Education

Health education is the most important element of the school health programme.

Health education in schools should cover the following area:

  1. Personal hygiene
  2. Environmental health
  3. Family health

[11] Education of Handicapped Children

The ultimate goal is to assist the handicapped child and his family so that the child will be able to reach his maximum potential, to lead as normal a life as possible, to become as independent as possible, and to become a productive and self-supporting member of society.

[12] School Health Records

  1. A cumulative health record of each student should be maintained by each school.
  2. These records useful in analyzing and evaluating school health programmes. 

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  1. "medical examination of children at the time of entry and thereafter every 4 years" isnt it a wide gap to assess for childs health ...... what if some thing happens between these 4 years?

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